This may be a bit late, but this is a gallery of some of the neat miniatures and terrain we saw during our trip to Gen Con 2011. Thanks to Richy for shooting the majority of these! To see previous photo’s shot at gencon by us, click here.
3 Replies to “Gen Con 2011 – Terrain and Miniatures”
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Oh! Please remind me the name of the game on the 17th picture.
I’m 99% sure that was a shot of a display setup by
I could be wrong, but they usually are the ones with some spectacular terrain / buildings to show every year, not to mention the great paint jobs and miniatures they bring.
Awesome job! I have a storage bin full of these JR Miniatures Stalingrad pieecs still in their bags that I picked up at a Recon or Hurricon several years ago – you may just have inspired me to bust them out and get some paint on them :)Yes, I’ll just echo that a tutorial would be great too…