Necromunda Final Night – 4/19/09

This campaign has finally drawn to a close, Brian’s “I’m only taking flame throwers and camping where I start” Redemptionist’s where the prevailing gang.  Lar’s pulled up a close second but due to his severe casualties at the prior meeting, was

Necromunda - Final Night
Necromunda - Final Night

unable to pull out an overall win.  Lar’s true downfall where his two losses to my Enforcer’s!  Paul, Jason, and Bob all held up the middle ground while I fully supported the bottom of the list.  Overall it was decided that Lar’s spyrers were very much overpowered compared to all other gangs available.  I also need to learn to exploit said rules to bring myself up to the middle of the pack! The final night was ended with two group scenarios, the hunting grounds and purge.

Necromunda - Final Night
Necromunda - Final Night

The hunting grounds is a custom scenario in which all groups involved are there to go in, find and kill a trophy monster, and bring it back.  All parties are unaware of each other until they start the killing, at that point it’s a free for all.  It was eminently clear that rats where infesting this area as we had an abnormally large amount show up.  I managed to get pretty beat up by rats while Paul ran around me and picked up all the loot I was finding.  Jason managed to off 3 genestealers before leaving the board, something we all thought couldn’t happen…it can.  Towards the end of the match, Lar’s strolled over by me, I proceeded to single shot one of his two guys and he fled from the game…Celebratory beer drinking ensued.  I managed to survive and get off the board with a stolen trophy, and Paul went down in a blaze of glory fighting off 3 Zombies and 2 Spiders, a totally worthy effort.

Our second scenario was “The Big Red Button” scenario which I would have taken pictures of, but I dropped my camera before we started this one, the drop did this camera in.  This scenario involves bases built around a large tower.  At the top of each base is a button and at the center of the board is a large 9 story building with a button on the top.  The objective, push the button on the top to win.  The buttons on each base can be shot to take one of your opponents gang members out.  Since our first game ran long we ended up having to end this one short, but Brian managed to get a guy with in 3 stories of the top.

Overall this campaign went really well and I don’t think it will be our last, or at least that is my hope.  Our next campaign is a month away and we have a lot of preparation for it, we will

Necromunda - Final Night
Necromunda - Final Night

be playing a Mordeim campaign this time around which is essentially a fantasty version of Necromunda and was released a couple of years after Necromunda was.  The campaign system is a revised version of Necromunda’s and has a good selection of better features in terms of how it treats experience, warband creation, and hand to hand combat.  Over the next few weeks you will see us building some terrain, some warbands built and painted, and eventually the progression of our first Mordheim campaign in many years.