I decided that for my undead army I needed to have a large selection of skeletons and there has always been a large selection of undead miniatures out there. To fill out my ranks I opted for Wargames Factory Skeleton Warriors. This kit is all plastic and each box has the bits to create 30 skeleton warriors of various configurations.
Each box has 5 identical sprues, each containing more than enough parts for 6 Skeletons. The bits included can create them with bows, spears, swords, and shields. They even have the bits for some skeletons escaping from the grave/ground. There are some quirks with the sprues, however, like, there are two different style of shields, which to some, might not be a big deal unless you’re looking for rank and file troops with uniform configurations.
There is also only enough bows in each box to equip 15 of the 30 skeletons, which, if you’re looking for a mass of undead infantry, could be trouble if that’s what you’re looking for. There are, however, enough pieces to do 30 spear and shield skeletons or 30 sword and shield skeletons.
Each sprue contains 20mm square bases that are decent in terms of quality. They do not have the bevelled edges that are common among GW products and some third party companies like GF9. Oddly enough, they match up fairly well with Mantic bases since they are pretty square. They also have a decent under base depth for magnets in my case, this was a bonus.
One of the things that drew me into these skeletons over others were two things, price per box and the sculpts, these are very reminiscent of GW’s 90’s plastic skeletons, very thin, no armor, accentuated ribs, and some sort of disbelief that they were being held together in human form! On the flip side I was bummed that there were no bits on these sprues for a Standard/Banner carrier or Musician. You can see in the pictures below I do have both Standards and Musicians in there thanks to the wealth of bits I have laying around. To be clear, those are not part of this kit.
So for me, I did a lot of digging around for a good skeleton kit, some other metal kits out there were pretty alright, but the cost was higher per model than these were. From an aesthetic standpoint, these were fairly generic, which was great for what I was looking for, they weren’t themed after vampires, the desert, wearing ornate armor, etc. For those looking for those things, you will not find it in this kit, but you will find a solid fantasy skeleton warrior kit with tons of options!