Siege Tower (Part 2)

See Part 1 here.

Much progress has been made on the siege tower and a little progress to the idea of having a full on siege battle finally happen.  I recently added 2 additional walls of the Warhammer Fortress to the set, this allows me to have a few extra configurations and cover enough of a table edge, at least for as much as I’m looking for.  I’m going to build this siege tower, a battering ram, some manlets and a few other misc items and then sit down and pain the whole deal at once…at least that’s my plan.

Siege door open
rear of the siege tower
Rear of the siege tower
Magnets are way neat
Magnets are way neat
Business End...
Business End...

While the building may be done, I’ve got some additional bits I’m going to use to help hide some seams and make it have a bit of character. Other than that, it’s more or less ready to be painted and prepped for the battle field and a grand siege.