Kings of War Project – Abyssal Dwarf’s (Part 2)

I had some time to catch up and finish building all of the Abyssal Dwarf / Chaos Dwarf army that I’ve gotten up to this point, it’s turning out well. I still have some move trays / magnets to make, but the majority of this is prepped to be primed and hopefully painted.

Current Progress

On another note, there is some interesting stuff coming from GW / Forgeworld.  They have, with their Warhammer Forge line of products, begun to create a new Chaos Dwarf Army.  Forgeworld has historically been expensive, and these do not disappoint in that regard.  What’s striking to me is that the Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard seem to really resemble some figures that belonged to a game called Chronopia, the vulture crossbowmen to be specific.

Courtesy of
Courtesy of

I think it’s mostly the creased helmets, but that’s what instantly came to mind. In any event, I like the idea of a massive warmachine for my Chaos Dwarves, and this beast might end up in my army at some point…we’ll see.  I’m not sure how GW / Forgeworld expect to sell an army’s worth of Chaos Dwarves at the price they are asking (10 figs for 36 Pounds or $58USD at the time of writing this).  I’m not sure how you’d go about making an army happen without some giant bag of money.  I just wanted to bring this up in a post about building an army at the complete opposite side of the spectrum, Mantic certainly isn’t resin models, and they have a very different look of course, but at the same time, the cost of the Mantic figures really shine as a whole package in comparison, to me.

Image Courtesy of

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